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06.10.21 – How to diagnose issues with iOS MDM Server in Kaspersky Security Center 13 – #ksc13

lundi 11 octobre 2021

This article concerns:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 (version
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13 (version
If you encounter problems when using the iOS MDM Server:
  1. Check APNs service for accessibility. See the guide below.
  2. Check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy. See the guide below.
  3. Create an event selection in the Administration Console. Check the events for errors and incomplete commands from the iOS MDM Server. To learn how to create the event selection, see Online Help. When creating the selection, go to the Events tab and select iOS MDM Server from the Application drop-down list. 
  4. Check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server. Internal services, such as the RPC service and web service, must be running successfully. See the guide below.

How to check the APNs service for accessibility

How to check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy

How to check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server

Knowledge Base :


Views: 6

06.10.21 – How to diagnose issues with iOS MDM Server in Kaspersky Security Center 13 – #ksc13

This article concerns:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 (version
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13 (version
If you encounter problems when using the iOS MDM Server:
  1. Check APNs service for accessibility. See the guide below.
  2. Check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy. See the guide below.
  3. Create an event selection in the Administration Console. Check the events for errors and incomplete commands from the iOS MDM Server. To learn how to create the event selection, see Online Help. When creating the selection, go to the Events tab and select iOS MDM Server from the Application drop-down list. 
  4. Check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server. Internal services, such as the RPC service and web service, must be running successfully. See the guide below.

How to check the APNs service for accessibility

How to check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy

How to check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server

Knowledge Base :


Views: 6

06.10.21 – How to diagnose issues with iOS MDM Server in Kaspersky Security Center 13 – #ksc13

This article concerns:

  • Kaspersky Security Center 13.1 (version
  • Kaspersky Security Center 13 (version
If you encounter problems when using the iOS MDM Server:
  1. Check APNs service for accessibility. See the guide below.
  2. Check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy. See the guide below.
  3. Create an event selection in the Administration Console. Check the events for errors and incomplete commands from the iOS MDM Server. To learn how to create the event selection, see Online Help. When creating the selection, go to the Events tab and select iOS MDM Server from the Application drop-down list. 
  4. Check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server. Internal services, such as the RPC service and web service, must be running successfully. See the guide below.

How to check the APNs service for accessibility

How to check the certificates of the iOS MDM Server for accuracy

How to check the trace files of the iOS MDM Server

Knowledge Base :


Views: 6